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Practicing wicca

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Practicing wicca. Step 2: How to get started with Wicca. However, it could be said that Wicca and Pagan traditions are where fire really takes center stage, whether it’s a ritual bonfire, tall candles honoring the Goddess and God, or small tea lights marking the boundaries of the sacred circle. It can be as simple as blessing your coffee in the morning to have a good day or can get extremely complex with a complicated ritual and diverse set of tools and ingredients. I’ll take a brief moment here for definitions. It says (in part): Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. Traditionally, we are polytheists, which means we worship and invoke numerous Gods and Goddesses. However, in Wicca, words matter. In traditional - Gardnerian and Alexandrian - Wicca, there is a bit more structure and protocol that is typically followed. This was more often than not women, due to the historical associations of women with witchcraft (think of the witch trials). Gardnerian Wicca is an initiatory tradition, meaning that one can only be initiated through another Gardnerian witch, so that every “true” Gardnerian can trace their lineage back to the original Bricket Wood . in the 1940s. Mar 17, 2023 · In conclusion, Wiccan magic is a diverse and powerful practice that encompasses various types of magic, including white, black, and gray magic. It teaches you how to create your own tradition as a solitary witch. Ash Tree Magic and Folklore. Read it →. I, personally, think that there's precedent for viewing Satan/the Devil/Lucifer as a valid pagan god, and a valid Horned God in Wicca, mostly because the Devil has often been more Yes you can. It refers to the entire system of practices and beliefs that comprise the modern pagan witchcraft spectrum. Data on Wicca identification is ever Witchcraft, as most commonly understood in both historical and present-day communities, is the use of alleged supernatural powers of magic. Some witches may follow Wicca, a modern pagan religion that incorporates witchcraft and nature worship. Along with other sacred texts, it can be a powerful resource in your witchcraft Aug 30, 2021 · Wicca, an alternative minority religion whose adherents, regardless of gender, call themselves witches, began in the U. Step 1: What is Wicca? Read it →. Oct 22, 2016 · These books offer detailed information about Wicca. Occultism: Belief in practices such as astrology, alchemy, divination, and magic that are based on “hidden knowledge” about the universe and its mysterious forces. Whether you’re a solitary practitioner or if your spiritual path includes a coven, everything you need to know to finish your year and a day is below! Aug 28, 2018 · A quick history of Wicca. Others may practice traditional witchcraft, which is deeply rooted in folklore and ancestral traditions. On top of that, you’ll start learning the magickal properties of different herbs and Jan 5, 2024 · The realms of Witchcraft and Christianity, often viewed as distinct and oppositional, have a more intertwined and complex relationship than many realize. The Crone is a symbol of spiritual wisdom, divination, and banishing negativity. Origins In Witchcraft. It was one of the first books to hit the mainstream on the topic of modern Wicca, and to find its way into non-Pagan bookstores. Make a note of it. In some cultures, men were even more likely to be accused of witchcraft than women, as they Celtic Wicca is a modern form of Wicca that incorporates some elements of Celtic mythology. It's generally rude to argue with how people self-identify, but if you go by actual Oct 30, 2018 · Depending on what type of witchcraft you decide to pursue, you’ll likely need at least a few supplies from an occult store, like candles, oils, roots, and herbs for rituals; spell books; tarot Aug 30, 2021 · Wicca and Witchcraft are part of the larger contemporary pagan movement, which includes druids and heathens among others. 13 Daily Witchcraft Practices. These eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An ye harm none do as ye will. Begin by visualizing how you want to feel for the day, while you prepare your tea. Oct 16, 2019 · A couple of helpful books are Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin and Wicca; A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham, although this one is rather outdated now. Wicca is a modern movement, rooted in the occult and primarily practiced in the West. The use of “Wicca” instead of “Witchcraft” came about years later, once these religious practices had spread to North America. Traditional wiccans are initiated into covens and learn specific, ceremonial magic. Handfasting Basket (Thirteen Blessings) Learn more about Pagan beliefs, the Wiccan religion, Pagan holidays and celebrations, and how people practice Wicca and Paganism today. The first three courses in the Wicca Academy syllabus are a mixture of everything you need to know to start practicing Wicca. Practitioners of Wicca have a Wiccan rede that is "an' ye harm none, do what ye will. But the process of putting an altar together can also be just a fun way to express yourself. 30 minutes – Do a simple ritual. If you’re thinking about embracing Wicca, start with these seven simple practices. It serves as a diary or a spellbook where you can record rituals, spells, and personal reflections. We must all be empowered for spirit to thrive, and for the Earth to survive. They may believe Apr 30, 2015 · These are the roots of Wiccan beliefs. Still, it's always best to get direct confirmation about a person's spiritual beliefs instead of making assumptions. We will uncover the shared grounds, from the use of the Bible as a Jan 23, 2023 · The answer is a resounding yes! Men can absolutely be witches and practice Wicca and other forms of magick just as women can. Jun 25, 2019 · Many Pagans prefer to practice as solitaries rather than in groups. Most Witches these days mainly use Tarot, Runes, Astrology, Pendulums, and/or Palmistry divination techniques. The final phase of the moon, the waxing moon, represents the Crone. Besides, a lot of the Catholic ceremonial habits would fall under the classification of witchcraft anyway. It is mostly based on the principles of Pagan Witchcraft, but it also included a range of theological and religious practices. Feb 3, 2020 · Exploring Witchcraft Practices: Tools and Techniques The Book of Shadows and Other Sacred Texts. Astronaut Images/Caiaimage/Getty Images. Most witches find that having an altar helps them work on their craft more regularly. I imagine that by coming here, you already know that it's not the stereotypical evil, satanic form of witchcraft depicted in many novels, movies and documentaries- often featuring a shabby, grim-faced old woman riding on a broom. Thus, Wicca might best be described as a modern religion, based on ancient Witchcraft traditions. Your Book of Shadows. Are you more drawn to Discordian, Asatru, Neo-Shamanism, Neo-Druidism, Green Witchcraft, or Feri practice? Figure Wicca is by its nature celebrates the feminine, however in truth, both male and female are in balance, so there is a god and a goddess. The second book – Living Wicca – is sort of a sequel to the first. Jul 19, 2019 · While they do not deny they are practicing witchcraft, Wiccans say that theirs is a harmless magic. The Witch Craze. Witchcraft, traditionally, the exercise or invocation of alleged supernatural powers to control people or events, practices typically involving sorcery or magic. Willow Bark – Blood thinning. Many witches don't actually consider themselves Wiccan. There are many possible scrying tools, the most famous of which is the crystal ball. Some examples: 1 minute – say a prayer or chant (out loud) 3 to 5 minutes – Have a brief meditation session. All these spiritual paths, as pagans refer to them, base their practices Meditation and trance are closely related practices in witchcraft, both serving as powerful tools for connecting with the divine and accessing spiritual wisdom. Up to you, but looking though the Wikipedia article on Konkokyo the only thing that caused me any problems was: It is believed that the sole interest of Tenchi Kane no Kami is the healthy satiation and happiness of individual humans, in accord with their nature. Before Wicca was officially a religion, anyone observing Wiccan types of beliefs, practicing magic, or holding otherworldly ceremonies was labeled a witch. Ethical considerations are paramount when practicing Wicca spells to ensure positive outcomes that harm none. This isn’t to be confused with magic, which is what magicians do. Jan 22, 2022 · Set Up Your Altar. A Book of Shadows is a personal and essential tool for many witches. Each type of magic serves different purposes, and practitioners must be mindful of the ethical considerations and potential consequences of their actions. With focus and intention, you can turn a single cup of tea into a vessel for manifestation. Finding the best witchcraft books for beginners does require a lot of research and the knowledge of what you are looking for. Initially, however, you should take it much slower. “Pagan” is an umbrella term that dates back to 300 AD. Traditionally, "witchcraft" means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others, and this remains the most common and widespread Aug 3, 2018 · There are Christians who practice witchcraft within a Christian framework, but this is not Wicca. It is a peaceful and positive religion based on a kinship with nature. This exploration delves into the fascinating overlap and interplay of Christian Witchcraft Practices, examining how elements of Christian rituals manifest in magical contexts. Please note: This is a general overview, and does not cover specific Wiccan practices. The history of Wicca documents the rise of the Neopagan religion of Wicca and related witchcraft-based Neopagan religions. Some see it as a spiritual path, others as a philosophy, and some as a way of life. K. Followers of modern Wicca are primarily women and girls due to the religion’s focus on Wiccan deities are the heart and soul of our religion. Sep 16, 2021 · Updated Sep 16, 2021. It’s a religion that worships its own deities and practices rituals and witchcraft. While meditation often focuses on quieting the mind and cultivating inner stillness, trance involves altering your state of consciousness to open your awareness to the spiritual realms. These ordinances are passed on local levels and Mar 18, 2023 · The elements – earth, air, fire, water, and spirit – are essential to the Wiccan practice. Also, avoid if taking any medication that causes sun sensitivity or if you’re naturally prone to sunburns! Without that, Wicca becomes simply a religion, devoid of spiritual vitality. Mar 18, 2022 · As you may have heard, Wicca is a religion and a practice that has countless spiritual, emotional and physical benefits. It was illegal for Native Paganism (from classical Latin pāgānus "rural", "rustic", later "civilian") is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism, [1] or ethnic religions other than Judaism. The reasons for this as are as varied as those who walk the path – some may find that they work better by May 16, 2022 · Estimated Read Time: 11 minutes. And that trend continues today, with a 2014 Pew Research Study finding the number of people who identified as Wiccan or Pagan jumped to close to a million people. Aug 29, 2023 · Witchcraft is not a monolithic practice, and different traditions and cultures have their own unique beliefs and rituals. Leadership is by women, who may be ordained as priestesses, or in less formal groups that function as collectives. t. the practice of magic. Enchant a Cup of Tea. “They believe in the Goddess, respect nature, and hold both polytheistic and pantheistic views. In fact, the term “witch” is not gender-specific, and both men and women have been labeled as witches throughout history. Witches care about the planet. They transform the practice of magic from an occasional activity to a daily source of empowerment and personal growth. It's all your craft, you choose what you want. Eventually, yes—these things will be involved. First, you’ll learn about the basic symbolism of different magickal signs like the Pentagram, the Triple Moon, and many others. Wicca is a subset of Paganism that was created by Gerald Gardner in the 1950’s. Witchcraft is a craft, not it’s own religion. [2] [3] While some adherents identify as Wiccan, it differs from most traditions of Wicca in Stuart Farrar, a student of the Sanders, wrote a popular book, still in print today, called "What Witches Do", based on the workings of the Alexandrian coven. Nov 29, 2017 · Despite some criticisms that Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner may be a bit light in nature, and that blanket statements are occasionally made by the author, the book certainly does have a place in history. Place your crystals on a windowsill for a moonlight bathe. Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca are two of the main subsets of Wicca. Many contemporary Wiccans and other Pagans find that rather than joining a group, they prefer practicing as a solitary. 10 Facts About Paganism and Wicca. To put it simply, witchcraft is the practice of magick. This is the Triple Goddess at the height of magickal abilities—as old age is a time of intense spiritual power within Wicca. 10 Ways to Practice Everyday Witchcraft. The more research you do the more knowledge you will gain. "In fact, Wicca is starting to be a little, I would say, outdated for a lot of people Feb 14, 2020 · To Diaz, a witch is “an embodiment of her truth in all its power”; among other magic practitioners, witch might embody a religious affiliation, political act, wellness regimen, “hot new lewk Jan 12, 2020 · In the 1950s, Gerald Gardner brought Wicca to the public, and many contemporary Pagans embraced the practice. Mar 26, 2023 · Witchcraft can lead to demonic possession – The Bible records several instances of demonic possession resulting from witchcraft or sorcery (1 Samuel 28:7-25, Acts 16:16-18). [1] [2] Celtic Wiccans use the names of Celtic deities, mythological figures, and seasonal festivals within a Wiccan ritual structure and belief system, [1 Nov 17, 2023 · Specific tools and items are instrumental in performing Wicca luck spells, such as candles, herbs, and crystals. [1] [2] [3] It employs the same basic theology, rituals and beliefs as most other forms of Wicca. increased from 8,000 to 340,000 members over the 18-year period. Although people often think that the terms Witchcraft and Wicca mean the same thing, that is not the case. The crafting and execution of a Wicca luck spell involve clearly set intentions and proper adherence to ritual steps. Wicca is a broad movement with much internal diversity in its beliefs and practices, in large part because of the absence of any single leader or centralized governing body. Modern Pagan approaches to these past religions vary, from those that try to imitate particular pre-Christian traditions with a high degree of precision to those that are more openly eclectic May 22, 2020 · Wicca. 1. Dec 16, 2023 · Daily witchcraft practices are a way to stay connected to your spiritual path in meaningful ways. This is because Wicca is a spiritual practice as well as a religion. Most Pagan practices tend to be rooted in nature and community Jun 25, 2019 · In some states, however, there are still laws against fortunetelling, Tarot card reading, and other divinatory practices. The items you decide to put on it will help you focus your energy towards achieving your goals. Good Luck Charms and Symbols. Reduce your use of single-use plastics and waxed cups. Determine What You Believe In. Within Wiccan groups it is often considered more important for all members to follow the same ritual procedures than to believe the same thing. Farrar refers to the type of witchcraft they practice as Wicca, and I particularly like this quote: Within Wicca there is much variety of emphasis on the factors I have mentioned. Wicca is a contemporary, nature-based, pagan religion. So go online and research different Pagan paths or Wiccan traditions, just to get some specific names. On the other hand, witchcraft refers to the act itself, which can be done by witches or any other type of spellcaster, as Diane Smith explains Apr 10, 2024 · modern Paganism, family of new religions that all take their inspiration from the extinct pre-Christian religions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. I use the terms “Wicca” and “pagan” interchangeably to classify the structure of my Earth-based spiritual practices. We will uncover the shared grounds, from the use of the Bible as a It's commonly understood that Satan does not exist in Wicca, and Wicca generally avoids using any iconography or characters from Abrahamic religions in its practices. Audible Audiobook. Given the freedom that Wicca entails, it is a practice that is based on the basics of magic. However, before you buy crystals in the May 25, 2018 · Here’s the good news: Whatever time you have, you can make your Wiccan spiritual practice better. Each is discussed in greater detail Oct 13, 2021 · Dong Quai – Blood thinning. e. Witchcraft, as most commonly understood in both historical and present-day communities, is the use of alleged supernatural powers of magic. Just choose differently. Wicca was first established in during the early 20th century and introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardener. 5 million people, identify as Wicca or Pagan—which suggests continued robust growth for the communities. Many Wiccans refer to themselves as Witches which has led non-Pagans to equate magick and witchcraft Wicca for Beginners: A Starter Guide to Wiccan Religion: Discover History, Beliefs, Rituals, and Spells to Start Practicing Witchcraft. It’s also important to note that being a witch is not the same Witchcraft: The practice of magic or sorcery by anyone outside the religious mainstream of a society. Dianic Wicca, also known as Dianic Witchcraft, [1] is a modern pagan goddess tradition focused on female experience and empowerment. Wicca is a religion with a defined set of beliefs and practices, celebrating the divine as both male and female and following a nature-based calendar of rituals and Dec 22, 2019 · Fluidity of practice: Many NeoWiccans follow a set of beliefs and practices that are adjustable and adaptable to the needs and wants of the practitioner. Witchcraft can lead to spiritual deception – Satan is the father of lies, and those who practice witchcraft often fall under his deceptive influence. [a] Wicca originated in the early 20th century, when it developed amongst secretive covens in England who were basing their religious beliefs and practices upon what they read of the historical witch-cult in the works of Dec 17, 2021 · Many practicing witches describe a life-long connection to nature, intuition, or the heavenly bodies such as the moon or stars. Making a wand isn't hard either, you can remove the bark or keep it, glue crystals to the end, wire wrap it, yarn wrap it, seal it with resin or leave it natural. Most Wiccans accept the so-called Wiccan Rede, an ethical code Oct 28, 2021 · No longer considered wicked, witches are hip. Johns Wort – Do not take with contraception, immunosuppressants, or antibiotics. " Writer and editor Charlotte Allen noted that "Practicing Wicca is a way to have Christianity without, well, the burdens of Christianity" ("The Scholars and the Goddess," The Atlantic, January 2001). Make a Ritual Robe. This Divine spirit is the source of all goodness within the world. The world of magic is incredibly diverse, with countless traditions, techniques, and approaches to choose from. Bring your own containers. Oct 16, 2019 · Wiccan religion actually has no governing creed or dogma which must be followed, rather, it encourages practitioners to find and define the terms within which they practice themselves. Absolutely. Connecting with nature and its elements is crucial for any Wiccan practitioner as it helps in developing a deeper understanding of the world around us. Find a coven in your local community if one exists, and introduce yourself to the group. Jul 16, 2023 · Someone practicing witchcraft may also burn a lot of red candles, as well as use needles in their candles. Jan 5, 2024 · The realms of Witchcraft and Christianity, often viewed as distinct and oppositional, have a more intertwined and complex relationship than many realize. Greek Paganism: Hellenic Polytheism. The Rule of Three : A concept popularized by film and television depictions of witches and derived from early forms of Wicca, the “Rule of Three” is that whatever spell or Oct 31, 2020 · Meanwhile smudging with palo santo and white sage is a sacred ritual for many native North American tribes, who only pass down the practice to members of their community. Oct 31, 2023 · It plays a central role in both my yoga practice and my spirituality as a practicing witch. Oct 21, 2022 · A religion vs. Wicca is among the largest pagan groups and its followers often practice witchcraft. Many come to Wicca after reading a history of the faith, its teachings and its rituals called Wicca is recognized as a religion, while Witchcraft itself is not. While the true names of the gods in wicca are oathbound (see above), covens will often work with their own gods – sometimes local gods, sometimes gods from other pantheons, such as Norse, Egyptian, Greek May 9, 2019 · The athame is used in many Wiccan and Pagan rituals as a tool for directing energy. The main way to differentiate Wicca and witchcraft is to understand that the first is a specific religion or spirituality followed by individuals who perform magic. Some of the books focus on historical witchcraft practices, whereas others focus on modern Wiccan practices. Wicca is probably the best known Pagan religion and probably the most misunderstood. Step 3: The Wiccan Rede. This simple ritual can be performed each day and changed according to your current needs. The many meanings of the “W” word. Jan 15, 2019 · Reading generic Pagan/witchy books will leave you feeling like it's all just one big melting pot of gooey tree hugging goodness. Consequently, it is vital to Wicca Spirituality that power is shared, rather than hoarded. Wicca. The first step in finding your spirituality is to determine what you believe in. Witchcraft thus defined is an imaginative stereotype that has a long history and has constituted for many cultures a viable explanation of evil in the world. Though rituals and practices vary among people who identify as Wiccan, most observations include the festival celebrations of solstices and First, the good news—if you use the terms “Wiccan”, “witch”, and “pagan” interchangeably, 99% of the time people will know what you’re talking about. In the time of the Roman Empire, individuals fell into the pagan class either because they were Apr 14, 2024 · When it comes to practicing witchcraft, one of the first things beginner witches often wonder about is the various types of magic and spellcasting they can explore. Just don't overspend. There is no promotion of revenge or negativity and striving for these two fundamentals are understood by all Wiccans. These are not outlawed because of an injunction against witchcraft, but because of municipal leaders trying to protect gullible residents from being swindled by con artists. Although Wicca, as a belief system, has only been around since the mid-1950s, it is a belief system that has roots that go back hundreds of years, to pagan practices in England. Feb 19, 2015 · Everything You Need to Know to Start Working Candle Magic Today The use of fire is universal in religious and spiritual practices throughout the world. Join a coven after a year and a day of study. In some Wiccan and neopagan practices, one can choose almost any god, goddess, or spirit from myth or history as one’s “patron deity” to pray to and give offerings. The bottom-line is that they are all worth reading. Look at the incense burner to cleanse and bless the space. Some Witches scry, that is, peer into the potential future. Because of this, many modern Witches blend their Wiccan practices with Jan 3, 2024 · Witchcraft, in its simplest form, is a practice involving the use of magic, often in a pagan or nature-based context. Feb 16, 2024 · Key Differences Between Wicca and Witchcraft. They are not only worshipped but are also used in rituals and spells. While both Wicca and witchcraft embrace the magic of the natural world, they differ significantly in structure, belief, and practice. St. Kitchen witches tend to focus on magick that can be used to help regular people. “First Thoughts are the everyday thoughts. Although Wicca itself was founded by Gardner, he based it upon old traditions. Wicca and Witchcraft are part of the larger contemporary Feb 6, 2021 · A person who practices witchcraft is a person who practices magick, such as divination, spells, potions, alchemy, herbalism and etc, and/or who has psychic abilities. Dec 14, 2023 · 7. Anthropologists and other academics have used it as a catch-all term for spiritual belief systems that exist Some people think that starting on the Wiccan path involves running out, buying tools, holding rituals, and casting spells. Kitchen Witchcraft: This practical witchcraft is focused on the use of herbs and other natural specimens common to everyday life. The rituals and spells we create that involve deities bring us closer to the radiant, Divine spirit of the Universe. All Wiccans are witches, but not all Dec 13, 2022 · It includes a complete Book of Shadows so you can start practicing right away. Now I want to think if it's common for Wiccans to have another religion beside Wicca. One of the most interesting things about Wiccan religion is that there are not really any mandates when it comes to what you have Jul 9, 2022 · 1. Many come to Wicca after reading a history of the faith, its teachings and its rituals called In order to fully understand what Wicca is, we must first take a look at its origins. Ritual Tool Crafts: Make Your Own Magical and Ritual Tools. Typically, the athame is a double-edged dagger, and can be purchased or hand-made. Wicca, especially Wicca Spirituality, is based on the fundamental equality of female and male, yin and yang, Goddess and God. Ophelia Morgan. This term is used in different ways in different times and places. It’s based on pagan practices and beliefs common in Western and Northern Europe before Christianity took root in the area around the Middle Ages. As solitaries, we have the freedom to choose how we worship and celebrate, and this book shows you exactly step-by-step how to Mar 23, 2018 · Wicca is a modern-day, nature-based pagan religion. 4% of Americans, or around 1 to 1. The Crone. Magick is a series of techniques a witch uses to harness energy (both external and internal) in order to change one’s surroundings as well as one’s self. Acorns and Oaks. The modern Wicca movement was established in the 1950s as a Nov 1, 2023 · Witchcraft is a practice, while Wicca is a religion. The athame is not typically used for actual, physical cutting. And ever mind the Rule of Three, What ye send out comes back to thee. Witchcraft In History. Wicca’s temples are the forests, meadows, beaches and deserts. Follow this with mind and heart, Oct 4, 2018 · It found that 0. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you embrace a journey that is deeply personal, profoundly empowering, and Oct 29, 2004 · The Wiccan Rede is the witch's law and code of ethics. A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. Most covens and other formal gatherings require that you have studied Wicca for a year and a day before you are considered knowledgeable or serious enough to join the group. It’s a diverse and personal practice, varying from individual to individual. Just one small thing. Some people believe in a single god or divine force, while others believe in many gods or spiritual beings. Outside of the magickal world, these three words frequently all refer to someone who practices some type of witchcraft. In truth, the word “witchcraft” can refer to a wide range of beliefs, traditions and practices found in cultures across the globe, and in every period of history since the dawn of humanity. This can be a difficult task, as there are so many different options to choose from. Perhaps, include a candle lighting ceremony and some meditation. Learn something new about witchcraft. Do The Necessary Research. Traditionally, "witchcraft" means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others, and this remains the most common and widespread 6 Questions to Ask Before You Join A Pagan Group. The craft fits in as an addition to pretty much every religious practice. Oct 12, 2018 · According to a study collected by Trinity College between 1990 and 2008, identification with Wicca in the U. Make an Athame. 1 hour – Do a formal ritual. However, a lot of Witches and Pagans were perfectly happy to continue practicing their own spiritual path without converting to Wicca. S. Still, in order to give beginners a toe-hold for figuring out how to be a Wiccan, here are the basic spiritual principles that are involved in practicing Wicca. They typically garner high respect and are considered to be "wise women" once they pass middle age. It is often used in the process of casting a circle, and can be used in place of a wand. On the flip side, if a wand someone else made really speaks to you, go ahead and buy it. Magical Correspondences. Do keep in mind that there are people who declare themselves to be Christian Wiccans, or even ChristoPagans, honoring Jesus and Mary as god and goddess together. pt ta am wu at ya nu bo bk nq

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