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Influxdb api query

Influxdb api query. Get started using Python to query InfluxDB. x compatibility endpoint, and include the following in your request: Request method: GET; Headers: Authorization: See compatibility API authentication; Query parameters: In your Python program, import the InfluxDB client library and use it to write data to InfluxDB. The examples in the sections below use the InfluxDB Command Line Interface (CLI). Use the InfluxDB Kotlin client library to interact with InfluxDB. It is an integral component of the TICK stack . Specify a time range. For an introduction to Postman and how we have used it, check out this blog ! Download and Import InfluxDB API Token: Include an Authorization header that uses either the Bearer or Token scheme and your InfluxDB API token–for example: Authorization: Bearer 0xxx0o0XxXxx00Xxxx000xXXxoo0== InfluxDB organization name or ID : Depending on the API endpoint used, pass this as part of the URL path, query string, or in the request body. InfluxDB enables real-time analytics by serving as a purpose-built database that optimizes processing and scaling. Note: The following examples use curl, a command line tool that transfers data using URLs. 1. In the Postman Authorization tab, select API Key in the Type dropdown. -o, --org or --org-id: InfluxDB organization name or ID. -t, --token: InfluxDB API token. x client libraries. 0 HTTP write API (a new way to write data with a more expressive data model than 1. As mentioned earlier, this tutorial is set up on Ubuntu 20. Use the Java client library to interact with InfluxDB. The /api/v2/query endpoint accepts POST HTTP requests. Use the filter() function to query data based on fields, tags, or any other column value. The returned timestamps must be in RFC3339 format for the UTC offset or UTC DST to appear. To write to a database using the InfluxDB 1. SELECT "<field_key>"::field,"<tag_key>"::tag - Returns a specific field and tag. InfluxDB API 参考. The ::[field | tag] syntax specifies the identifier’s type. When authenticating requests to the v1 API /write and /query endpoints, InfluxDB Cloud Serverless checks that the password ( p) value is an authorized API token . x workloads that you bring to InfluxDB v3. Access the InfluxDB HTTP API using the /api/v2/ endpoint or InfluxDB v1 endpoints for InfluxDB. AsyncGenerator; Pandas DataFrame; Stream of Pandas DataFrame via typing. Customers with an annual or support contract can . To view the API Query with the InfluxDB API; Query in the Flux REPL; Use the influx CLI; Common queries. Use the influx delete command to delete points from InfluxDB. Writing Line Protocol Data with the InfluxDB API v2. The following sections assume your InfluxDB instance is running on localhost port 8086 and HTTPS is not enabled. Customers with an annual or support contract can contact InfluxData Support. This section introduces InfluxQL, the InfluxDB SQL-like query language for working with data in InfluxDB databases. Manage dashboards. It supports insertion and real-time querying of data via a SQL-like query language. To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. Next to your workspace name, click Import to import the InfluxDB API v2. 0 API Postman project and click Continue. InfluxDB v2 OSSDocsSubmit API issue. Prerequisites. 1 using the InfluxDB API. The example below returns the 10 top system uptime values sorted first by region, then host, then value. Use InfluxDB CLI connection configurations to provide your InfluxDB host, organization, and API token. Query with the InfluxDB API; Query in the Flux REPL; Use the influx CLI; Common queries. InfluxDB Community Slack. Data exploration /api/v2/query/ HTTP endpoint. """ Querying InfluxDB by FluxLang. Its vast library of input plugins and “plug-and-play” architecture lets you quickly and easily collect metrics from many different sources. In the Query Language drop-down menu, select one of the query languages supported by InfluxDB 2. x) InfluxDB 3. 8 API, send POST requests to the /write endpoint. It requires a bucket parameter. 6. Use range() to limit query results by time. If you want all the records, then the range should start at 0. (Update: InfluxDB 3. Make sure you’re in the appropriate workspace, by observing the workspace in the top left corner. Every Flux query needs the following: 1. bolt-path. InfluxDB is a high-performance store for time-series data. Or use community templates to monitor supported environments. Create a task; View tasks; Run a task; View run By default, InfluxDB stores and returns timestamps in UTC. Supported operations. Sample data. Documentation This section contains links to the client library documentation. For detailed documentation on the entire API, see the InfluxDB v2 API Reference. List tag values. The /query endpoint provides compatibility for InfluxDB 1. Define your data source. flux The InfluxDB v2 API provides a programmatic interface for interactions such as writing and querying data, and managing resources in InfluxDB. Delete data using the influx CLI. Delete predicate. 8, there are two key things to keep in mind: The "bucket" parameter is the database you wish to read from. Create a dashboard; Control a dashboard; Export a dashboard We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB and this documentation. Raw str output The Postman InfluxDB project has been created to help you learn and experiment with the InfluxDB v2. Use filter() to identify what rows of data to output. Use the InfluxDB 1. query ( org = org , query = query ) The status of InfluxDB. Use this syntax to differentiate between field keys and tag keys with the same name. The InfluxDB API provides a simple way interact with the database. 8, but as you have seen, there are a few differences. hardening-enabled. All of InfluxDB is wrapped in a REST API. flux-log-enabled. 7 (Flux or InfluxQL): Query with the InfluxDB API; Query in the Flux REPL; Use the influx CLI; Common queries. Use Python to query data. Next: Iterates over the query response. Insecure Connection: Disable gRPC TLS security. Use the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API /query endpoint and InfluxQL to query data stored in InfluxDB Cloud Serverless and return results in JSON or CSV format. Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB and this documentation. Flux’s from() function defines an InfluxDB data source. 0 moved away from Flux and a built-in task engine. In this introductory article, we’ll demonstrate how to connect to an InfluxDb server, create a database, write time-series information, and then query the database. Create a dashboard; Control a dashboard; Export a dashboard The InfluxDB API is the primary means of writing data into InfluxDB. Select when to Delete Data: Never to retain data forever. The first seven documents in this section provide a tutorial-style introduction to InfluxQL. InfluxDB is a time series database designed to handle high write and query loads. Quick start. x to 3. Copy and paste the URL for the InfluxDB v2. 7, to connect, populate, and query the InfluxDB server. In the navigation menu on the left, select Load Data > Buckets. AsyncGenerator; Raw str output Delete data using the influx CLI. Some of these APIs were backported to InfluxDB 1. client. In the InfluxDB API, specify the database in place of using the db query string parameter if desired. The example below uses the following steps to retrieve and process telemetry data: Query environment measurements in INFLUX_BUCKET. 以下各节假定您的InfluxDB实例在 localhost 的 8086 端口上运行,并且没有开启HTTPS,这些设置可以在 [ HTTP If you do not have a CLI configuration set up or the environment variables set, include these required credentials for each command with the following flags: --host: InfluxDB host. Use the InfluxDB Node. InfluxQL tutorial. Query data with the InfluxDB API using Flux or InfluxQL. Flux provides functions that let you explore the structure and schema of your data stored in InfluxDB. 2. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code. To write to a database using the InfluxDB API, send a POST request to the /write endpoint and include the following: db=DATABASE_NAME query parameter: Specifies the database to write data to. Common issues with the SELECT statement Selecting tag keys in the SELECT clause. x & 2. Execute queries Work with multiple data sources. To calculate the duration between two timestamps: Use the uint() function to convert each timestamp to a Unix nanosecond timestamp. """ from typing import List, Generator, Any, Callable from influxdb_client import Dialect from influxdb_client. e2e-testing. 1 using the InfluxDB UI. Click Create to create the bucket. 7 API documentation. Click Confirm to delete the bucket. x compatibility API supports all InfluxDB 1. When performing the above on our previous The issue here is the use of the quotation mark " in the string where you specify your query. To retrieve data, use the InfluxDB client library to send a POST request to the /api/v2/query InfluxDB API endpoint. The InfluxDB Data Explorer provides two options for querying data with Flux: Query Builder (default) : Visual query builder that lets you select the time range, measurement, tags, and fields to query. In the sample application, you will retrieve sensor data based on the sensor ID. It can be generated on InfluxDB Cloud dashboard under Load Data > API Tokens menu. Pass in the named parameters. Monitor your time series data and send alerts by creating checks, notification rules, and notification endpoints. For ease of migration and a consistent query and write experience, v2 users should consider using InfluxQL and the v1 client library. Token: API token used for SQL queries. List measurements. For Key, enter Authorization. InfluxDB offers a rich API and client libraries ready to integrate with your application. Join that data with data in InfluxDB to enrich query results. 04 LTS. Script Editor : In-browser code editor for composing and running Flux scripts. . Query InfluxDB with the InfluxDB API. filter() performs operations similar to the SELECT statement and the WHERE clause in InfluxQL and other SQL-like query languages. Jul 19, 2022 · The Python Client libraries were developed using the InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB 2. If you have not already, create a token. InfluxDB OSS 2. Flux is the primary language for working with data in InfluxDB 2. Sets the ID of the bucket to query. The time_zone parameter follows the TZ syntax in the Dec 6, 2021 · Importing the InfluxDB API v2. Define a few variables with the name of your bucket, organization, and token. 1 and at TCP port 8086. InfluxQL can only query data stored in InfluxDB. The rest of the software dependency list is as follows: C++ 17 The InfluxDB v1 compatibility API provides a programmatic interface for interactions with InfluxDB v2 using InfluxDB v1-compatible endpoints. The API allows you to write data and query data, of course, but also has everything you need to manage the database, including creating resources like authentication tokens, buckets, users, and more. Instantiate the client. Execute queries and retrieve data over the Flight+gRPC protocol, and then process data using common Python tools. Overview. API Quick Start. You can also read annotated CSV directly from Flux with the csv. query_api_async. The only successful authentication so far is from using a Token which with the infrastructure and how they are dynamically generated is not an option. query_api (query_options: ~influxdb_client. To find support, use the following resources: InfluxData Community. InfluxQL is an SQL-like query language for interacting with data in InfluxDB. Use influx to write data (manually or from a file), query data interactively, and view query output in different formats. Select InfluxDB from the list of available data sources and click Add new data source. Stage 2: Database details. Use the --bucket flag to specify which bucket to delete data from. Query with the InfluxDB API. result = query_api . TableChanged: Identifies when the group key changes. For Value, enter Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN, replacing INFLUX_API_TOKEN with the token generated in step 1. InfluxDB v2 API documentation. Operate on columns; Use multiple fields in a calculation; Compare values from different buckets; IoT common queries; Optimize queries; Visualize data. Authentication. Guides that walk through both common and complex queries and use cases for Flux. x /query compatibility endpoint to query data in InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS 2. InfluxDB API documentation is built into the influxd service and represents the API specific to the current version of InfluxDB. To find support, use the following resources: Customers with an annual or support contract can . You can use sort() and limit() together to show the top N records. x convention of username and password to authenticate bucket reads and writes by passing an API token as the password credential. List buckets. Jun 30, 2023 · Password must be an InfluxDB API token that has enough privileges to query from the database you are going to use. Query fields and tags. The following examples use example-bucket as the bucket name. Write data using the InfluxDB API. To configure InfluxDB, use the following configuration options when starting the influxd service: assets-path. The InfluxDBClient object takes three named parameters: url, org, and token. feature-flags. Ensure that the Add to option is set to Header. Create a Python virtual environment. List field keys. You can also execute the commands using the InfluxDB API; simply send a GET request to the /query endpoint and include the command in the URL parameter q. FluxTable; Stream of influxdb_client. QueryOptions object>) → QueryApi [source] Create an Query API instance. Pandas DataFrame. Telegraf is InfluxData’s data collection agent for collecting and reporting metrics. Flux is going into maintenance mode. The InfluxDB server is listening at IP address 127. The influxdb_client. The SELECT clause must specify at least one field when it includes a tag. Find the bucket that you would like to delete. For example, to write a single point to the mydb database. engine-path. To find support, use the following resources: can . Query InfluxDB using the InfluxDB user interface (UI) Data Explorer. Choose the Right Product See Performance Comparison Platform Overview Open Data Access Real-Time Analytics Easy Data Collection Integrations In your influxdb_go_client module directory, create a file named query. x. The tz() clause includes the UTC offset or, if applicable, the UTC Daylight Savings Time (DST) offset to the query’s returned timestamps. InfluxDB is meant to be used as a backing store for any use case involving large amounts of Use the InfluxDB CLI, API, and the Chronograf Data Explorer to execute Flux queries. List a bucket by ID. Learn how to use and leverage InfluxDB in use cases such as monitoring metrics, IoT data, and events. Get started with tasks; Manage tasks. The WHERE clause supports conditional_expressions on fields, tags, and timestamps. x compatibility endpoint, and include the following in your request: Request method: GET; Headers: Authorization: See compatibility API authentication; Query parameters: Dec 8, 2021 · To query the database, use the Query API and the query method to retrieve data. go and enter one of the following samples to query using SQL or InfluxQL. Pass the query() method two named parameters: org and query . Flux also provides the top() and bottom() functions to perform both of these functions at the same time. Database: Specify the name of the database you wish to query from. Returns: Query api instance. Jan 8, 2024 · Using InfluxDB with Java. This step-by-step guide through the basics of writing a Flux query. The following sections cover useful query syntax for exploring your schema. Contribute to influxdata/influxdb-client-go development by creating an account on GitHub. Using the InfluxDB HTTP API. Choose between visualization types for your query. Copy this from the Buckets page of the InfluxDB UI. This API is highly compatible between OSS and Cloud. To query a mapped bucket with InfluxQL, use the /query 1. x client libraries and integrations in InfluxDB Cloud. InfluxDB’s command line interface (influx) is an interactive shell for the HTTP API. Quick start; Authentication Query with the InfluxDB API; Query in the Flux REPL; Use the influx CLI; Query with sample data; Common queries. On the Data Source configuration page, enter a name for your InfluxDB data source. x client libraries and integrations in InfluxDB 2. Delete a bucket in the InfluxDB UI. Query in the Flux REPL. Note: InfluxDB does not support using OR in the WHERE clause to specify multiple time ranges. In this final stage, you only have one parameter to change. 7. Click the icon located far right of the bucket name. Before you can use the v1 query API, databases and retention policies must be mapped to buckets. Operate on columns; Compare values from different buckets; Use multiple fields in a calculation; IoT common queries; Optimize queries; Parameterized queries; Process data. See the equivalent InfluxDB v2 documentation: Explore your data schema with Flux. InfluxData and the user community maintain client libraries for developers who want to take advantage of: Idioms for InfluxDB requests, responses, and The query client sends the Flux query to InfluxDB and returns the results as a FluxRecord object with a table structure. With the InfluxDB v1 API, you can use the InfluxDB 1. It uses HTTP response codes, HTTP authentication, JWT Tokens, and basic authentication, and responses are returned in JSON. FluxTable. The InfluxDB 1. Stream of influxdb_client. Create a dashboard; Control a dashboard; Export a dashboard The query client sends the Flux query to InfluxDB and returns a Flux object with a table structure. For more on using the InfluxDB API, see Querying data. Those settings are configurable. Source code for influxdb_client. To create a bucket with the influx CLI, use the and specify values for the InfluxDB v2 Cloud Docs Submit API issue. Enter a Name for the bucket (see Bucket naming restrictions). Create a task; View tasks; Run a task; View run This guide walks through the basics of using Flux to query data from InfluxDB. InfluxDB and Flux return query results in annotated CSV format. With InfluxDB 1. Query InfluxDB with a Flux string. Stream of Pandas DataFrame via typing. Use popular tools like Curl and Postman for rapidly testing API requests. InfluxDB v2 is the latest stable version. This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. flux_table. InfluxDB OSS is an open source time series database designed to handle high write and query loads. Older than to choose a specific retention period. Query InfluxDB using a Flux file. InfluxDB v1 documentation. Use the --start and --stop flags to define the time range to delete data from. 0; InfluxDB 3. can . JavaScript client API Reference Documentation is available online at https: In the From panel in the Flux Builder, select + Create Bucket. A query requires at least one field key in the SELECT clause to return data. _base import _BaseQueryApi from InfluxDB API client library tutorials. To open the Data Explorer, click the Explore ( Data Explorer) icon in the left navigation menu: Flux doesn’t support mathematical operations using time type values. If you do not have a CLI configuration set up or the environment variables set, include these required credentials for each command with the following flags: --host: InfluxDB host. The combination of from() , range() , and filter() represent the most basic Flux query: Use from() to define your bucket. List a bucket by name. InfluxDB. Async Query API The influxdb_client. Create a task; View tasks; Run a task; View run Sep 20, 2023 · when attempting to make a query via HTTP to influx, the below works; However, using basic auth for /api/v2 with the same query and content returns a 401. x client libraries and third-party integrations like Grafana and others. Query. 0 Postman project through the Postman UI. Flux can query data from other data sources such as CSV, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google BigTable, and more. InfluxDB uses an InfluxQL-like predicate syntax to determine what data points Filter by fields and tags. This guide walks through the basics of using Flux to query data from InfluxDB. Load Data. Flux is InfluxData’s functional data scripting language designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on data. Subtract one Unix nanosecond timestamp from the other. Interact with InfluxDB Cloud using a rich API for writing and querying data and more. Note that the configuration doesn’t use the username and password parameters. List all buckets. The Prometheus sample (value) becomes an InfluxDB field using the value field key. We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB and this documentation. Other supported features include: The InfluxDB API is the primary means for querying data in InfluxDB (see the command line interface and client libraries for alternative ways to query the database). Query with the InfluxDB API; Query in the Flux REPL; Use the influx CLI; Query with sample data; Common queries. List tag keys. Use Telegraf to write data. js JavaScript client library to interact with InfluxDB. x compatibility /write and /query endpoints work with InfluxDB 1. As Prometheus data is brought into InfluxDB, the following transformations are made to match the InfluxDB data structure: The Prometheus metric name becomes the InfluxDB measurement name. View InfluxDB API documentation locally. Explore and visualize your data in the Data Explorer . It is always a float. query_api. Discover how to query data in InfluxDB 2. Users can use external tools, like Python-based Quix, to create tasks in InfluxDB 3. QueryOptions = <influxdb_client. Use this endpoint to query data using Flux and InfluxDB 2. x or 2. Query InfluxDB using the Flux The InfluxDB v2 API provides a programmatic interface for interactions such as writing and querying data, and managing resources in InfluxDB. Parameters: query_options – optional query api configuration. In this section, you retrieve telemetry data from an InfluxDB bucket. FluxRecord via typing. This is because the updated InfluxDB uses the Apache Arrow Mar 11, 2022 · This tutorial uses the influxdb-cxx client library, version 0. Async Query API. ) With the release of InfluxDB’s new storage engine for InfluxDB Cloud, InfluxDB Cloud now supports SQL. Query builder. Dec 19, 2022 · Dec 19, 2022. For an in-depth walkthrough of querying SQL data, see Query SQL data sources. The InfluxDB user interface (UI) allows you to move seamlessly between using the Flux builder or templates and manually editing the query. AsyncGenerator. Feel free to download the dataset provided in Sample Data and follow along with the documentation. Use the duration() function to convert the result into a duration. Include the following HTTP headers: Accept: application/csv; Content-type: application/vnd. QueryApiAsync supports retrieve data as: List of influxdb_client. The API of the influxdb-client-python is not the backwards-compatible with the old one - influxdb-python. InfluxDB API提供了一种与数据库进行简单交互的简单方法,它使用HTTP响应请求,HTTP身份验证,JWT令牌和基本身份验证,并且响应以JSON格式返回。. The InfluxDB API is the primary means of writing data into InfluxDB. 0 API. To properly include the quotation mark in your query you need to wrap the string in triple single quotes. Create a dashboard; Control a dashboard; Export a dashboard The query client sends the Flux query to InfluxDB and returns the results as a FluxRecord object with a table structure. Query in Data Explorer. Flight SQL (query API using SQL) InfluxQL over Flight; Data migration tooling for InfluxDB 1. For example, InfluxDB returns an empty response for the following query: SELECT * FROM "mydb" WHERE time = '2020-07-31T20:07:00Z' OR time = '2020-07-31T23:07:17Z'`. 0 APIs. from() function, write data to InfluxDB using annotated CSV and the influx write command, or upload a CSV file in the UI. Query data with Flux. 0 HTTP query API (send InfluxQL or SQL queries as an HTTP GET and get back JSON lines, CSV, or pretty print response) How Prometheus metrics are parsed in InfluxDB. Functions in the schema package are not supported in the Flux REPL. You now have created a Flux query that sorts and limits data. ready → Ready [source] Get The readiness of For tutorials and information about client libraries, see InfluxDB client libraries. This documentation is generated from the InfluxDB To write or query InfluxDB, Reuse connections in communication with InfluxDB. Use the InfluxDB influxdb_client_3 Python client library module and SQL or InfluxQL to query data stored in InfluxDB. This section guides you through the most commonly used API methods. 0 Postman project. Query data with InfluxQL. This article describes how to use Telegraf to collect and store data in InfluxDB v2. The query client includes the following methods: Query: Sends the Flux query to InfluxDB. 4 with InfluxQL. 0. There are many more examples for querying data; all of those possibilities are discussed in the Query API documentation. rp=RETENTION_POLICY query parameter: Optional. Replace the following configuration values in the sample code: BUCKET_NAME: the name of the InfluxDB bucket to query; API_TOKEN: an InfluxDB API token with read permission on the specified bucket InfluxDB v2 is the latest stable version. Follow step-by-step tutorials to build an Internet-of-Things (IoT) application with InfluxData client libraries and your favorite framework or language. kl qt xo hc af bc vc ul eo gv