Aita for telling my sister that she knew what she was getting when she settled for my ex

Aita for telling my sister that she knew what she was getting when she settled for my ex. She tells Son and DIL that she really loves grandson but as he is getting older and not a baby anymore she does not know how to babysit him and keep him entertained with DIL's rules. My sister has 3 kids with my ex, two boys and one girl. The house was never peaceful. She had complete mental breakdown. I'm afraid she'll come to my house with my mum and escalate things to the point a police is needed. AITA for telling my sister that she's being an unreasonable bride. They do have good insurance, luckily. My older sister is an artist, who we’ll call Jean. She has three kids (all younger than 8) and her house is always extremely filthy. I looked aty wife and told her what she said was messed up and she should STHU with her nonsense remarks because she just insulted and hurt my sister. My sister married her husband (29) Scott about 5 years ago and when she AITA for telling my long lost sister the truth of her parentage. She’s delusional if she’s blaming you for anything. 2) I feel like I could have handled it better because she did lose her son Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ Like, what does he say about all of this? Because he needs to have a chat with his sister about how she's abusing your generosity. She has frequently said this. secrets should only be kept if they're not harming anyone. Not the A-hole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my sister that at 37, she’s way too old to be acting like a teenager by living off our parents money, getting drunk almost every night, and crying over hookups. I told her I gave her 2 days to come up with the stolen items and I heard nothing back and I told her I was going to call the police. Things were great, until they had my sister when I was 5. AITA for telling my sister to stop having kids when she is poor? Trigger Warnings: possible child neglect, body shaming, mentions of domestic violence and rape. I also knew and spent time with his sister “Mary”. I also called her some not very pretty She asked if I meant what I said about Ari being a better mom than her or if I just said it to hurt her. She’s lucky I gave her grace for 2 days. Sister needs to learn how to actually parent, the only brat was the child who was old enough to know it's not her birthday party and that's not her cake, so she doesn't get to blow out the candles. Asshole. AITA for telling my sister she was lazy for banning playdates? Not the A-hole. She told me that she understood exactly what he was asking for, but that she was deliberately refusing because he hadn't asked correctly. She yelled at my mum for reasons she yelled at me for: favouritism, preferential treatment, called her a bad parent etc. As soon as she is able to hold My daughter also doesn't like my fiancé. It was just the two of them for 10 years. That is a fact and my parents did not handle her well. She says I could find a much better man. When she was 17 they gave up on her and I don’t blame them. My sister and I had a dog growing up (that my parents took care of because we were kids). wedding_crasher200. She started back paddeling saying she was just giving her opinion and the fight started. Some family members were excited, but others, including many of the older folks, were pretty upset and felt like they were being forced into her lifestyle, even if Thought my daughter being scared was hilarious apparently. She was venting to me about how playdates were getting to be a "pain in the ass" because 4 year old wants "in" on big sisters playdates, and she can't My sister got hers done at a tattoo parlour when we were on vacation one summer and she felt SO cool - she was maybe 8? And she was sitting down around all these people with tattoos and piercings and got to watch somebody else be turned down for a piercing (a guy was pressuring his gf to get a tongue ring, which was only evident after she got freaked out looking at the needle and asked to come Okay, she’s not my SIL yet but I used it to make the title simpler. YTA. One of them, Valerie, Case disliked more than the others. The first sign of YTA and jealousy is “over achiever”, second, criticism “without a tone”. Most of my childhood was spent taking care of her children while she went out to parties and such. Oh, and you also said “everyone knows she’s insecure”, you would only know this had you discussed your sister with “everyone”. James is the 1st problem. You don’t want to come home and learn Tia “ran away” when sister was around. The moment she was 18 she left and was on her own. Well, once my nephew started school he started calling himself Sky and all his friends and even his teachers call him Sky. Yeah, I don't think OPs response was in AH territory. After my fiancé proposed and I accepted, I told my kids, and my daughter didn't like it. She got mad and we had a fight. My mother married a man when I was 2 & he adopted me - as my bio dad was not in the picture since almost killing me when I was 6 weeks old. My parents are on my ass and my sister called Then OP needs to put her foot down. Few-Extent-3804. While she was doing that, I jokingly told her that she would make a great housewife, and that she should aim to find a job like a flight attendant or something where she could put her neat-freak talents to use. We got engaged when I was 20 and about 6 months after we found out we were expecting. For those asking what I meant by this blowing up in my face, I know my sister. I was so scared I was going to lose my baby sister, but thankfully she pulled through. Say "I can't babysit a three year old without allowing him to use toys, watch shows, or take him to parks or anywhere in town. My wedding will be in a year. For context, my wife and I have had multiple dogs together. She’s my boyfriend’s borther’s girlfriend. She has always called him Skylar and told everybody she knew he would not be Sky, that Sky is a girls name and not even a good girls name. Let her know. If she does what she did and he leaves, she resents him. Your comments have given me a reality check. It was bad. My wife/ her mother died back in 2021 and I’ve been really struggling staying on top of the bills and barely have been able to keep us afloat. I feel awful for the poor mother, trapped in a house full of abusive people who look down on her and used her for labor, stunting her own career path and education for them just to be treated like this. Couples are not forced to divorce by their children. Follow. I knew my sister was going to be mad if I told my sister-in-law first about the idea of getting married. The truth hurts, and sometimes, it doesn't sound "kind" either. I am in nursing school to get my BSN and I have a fiance and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. We split up three months ago because Chris decided to pursue a career opportunity overseas, and I wasn't willing to move. Their mother and I agreed on a 50/50 custody arrangement after we split up and have stuck to it until this issue arose. She broke down and screamed what a horrible human being I am, then she ran to her room. My sister even said their first child together and their second were "her chance to do things right". One of the people invited was his brother, Jake (m26). My husband and I spent hours on our registry, and my MIL asked for it so she could share with her friends. They like traditional names, but they have to deal with the fact that potential future grandchildren probably won't have traditional names, and if they want to have a good relationship with said children and with your sister they will need to accept it. " NTA. It SUCKED so bad seeing how great my dad treated my younger sister. If she aborted and he stayed, she'd resent him. AITA for telling my sister she’s not a dog owner. It was a beautiful wedding; the ceremony went smoothly, the food was delicious, and people loved the color theme and the decor. The truth finds a way out, but sometimes, that way is laced with paiful words. I live alone with my 20 year old daughter. I (24f) Have lived with my father my whole life. Mar 18, 2024 · It seems like OP is simply doing what she needs to do in order to keep her and her daughters safe. Basically, we grew up together. This was our dynamic 100%. She will almost always have her eyes closed, or a strange look on her face. My sister told me mom wishes I had died instead of dad. She asked me for what and I said I am planning something that I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to miss. ADMIN MOD. Yay go me. He got with her to get close to you. She was broken and she ended up staying in the hospital so they could help her. What OOP doesn't realize is that that marriage was doomed the moment the husband issued that ultimatum. 1w. I debated what to do for a couple of days, then ultimately decided she needed the truth and told her. My sister called it, and she evidently had a bone to pick. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! When my mom found out I couldn't have kids, she tried to convince my sister to get pregnant, have a baby, then give it to me because my sister had a functioning uterus but my wife and I were more stable. The place has a bar where we’re going to be hanging out. I told her that that was technically my money. He had Josh learn violin at 4 yo and made him play for 5 days ago · Probably the only way she could’ve been shocked into getting her life together again instead of continuing to live in a dark hole, expecting everyone around her to enable it. He was my friend through middle-school and most of high school. I expected this reaction. She didn't like having a younger sibling and had no interest in me. All the sudden I was the “unwanted” the “outcast”, the “family misfit”. So I called the police, showed them the video, filed a report. She wrote: "AITA for telling my sister to Here you wrote how you gossiped with your mom about your sister. Who, to my shock, turned out to be my bio-father. Gina Sentinella. If she thought you might be okay with it she would have asked you how you felt about naming her baby after your husband. I don't know what they do for work or anything. Chris and I were together for 5 years, and it was serious. She asked what I meant, and I thought there was no point in lying so I just admitted I felt she upstaged me at my wedding. She said she forwarded the registry on. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta JaesonSlay. AITA For Telling My Daughter if She Keeps Her Pregnancy I’m Kicking Her Out. My sister did not take it well and dumped him, but she wasn't angry with me. NTA. I'm a high school teacher. At this point my dad was crying. My half brother found out the man who raised him was not his biological For context, it's not that she didn't know what he wanted. The sister can say, it not my problem Your wife is bedridden for the last 5 months of her pregnancy. She was the worst. I (29F) have four siblings, Mark (33M), Josh (31M), Eva (29F), and Tony (26M). In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for telling her sister she should stop having kids. What I said to my mom did work its way through my sisters. My sister and her husband came over for dinner the other day, she brought up the fact that I was pregnant with my first child and how she already had 4 about to be 5. We are close in age, I was a pretty good kid. I told her to stop telling everyone he cheated on her since she forgave him. Shyla handed me his number and said it's up to me. I was so tired of constantly being talked down to, so since her and I had an interest in bugs, I yelled back at her and told her she draws like a But he knew who he married and he knew how bad of a mom my sister was. I was serious and she knew it. When she announced she'll be hosting, she also said that the entire menu would be vegan to align with her beliefs and that it's a chance for the family to try something different. Se inmmediately said "Get out! I my mind there are 2 possible scenarios: 1- the husband had sex with Brittney with an oral agreement that she would give the baby to OP and husband. She laughed and said you can't upstage a bride. ) I like everything pink and I'm super girly and my Idk, I'd be pretty pissed if my sister insinuated my husband was cheating on me just cos he got me something nice. She cannot change what happened, and unless her husband is a saint, she killed the love he had for her. Same damn thing. We hugged and she said we'd talk about it later. My sister (43F) is a single mother to four kids, she recently announced her 5th child. 2- the husband cheated on OP with Brittney and she got pregnant. This really pissed me off, but luckily my husband came inside at that moment and pulled me away so we could calm down and settle Louis. She accused you of being a bad mom, attempted to bully your husband, then acts all imperious, like she has the right to tell you what to do and that you don’t get a choice and you have to help her. I would have said much, much worse to your sister, I promise you. Our mother was a SAHM but she was emotionally absent. I got a beating. I’m on mobile and my grammar will probably be bad because after today I needed to to get drunk. "AITA for telling my sister that I don't care about the baby she lost. Sure it was immature, but sometimes, like deserves to be met with like. I was suprised she even mentioned dad since she knew how I felt about him. you’re heart broken that your sister won’t be there. We had a family meeting at my parents' home about 2 weeks after the original thing went down. AITA for telling my friend that I slept with his disabled younger sister? “John” and I are both in our 40s. She just cannot stand and smile for a picture. We are now in our late 20s. My (26F) sister (34F) and her husband were a perfect couple. She ruined my moms wedding dress. Quick backstory, my bio dad died when I was young and my mom remarried when my sister was 8 and I was 10. Also, and I can't stress this enough, you're an asshole for blaming your sister for your parents' divorce. She said that she is initialed to the room as she pays for the house groceries off of the allowance that me and my husband give her. Original Post: March 11, 2024. I was stunned and so were my parents, my sister immediately got up and left the room. Maybe she wants a second child I refused. He wanted his first son to be a doctor, so Mark had to work all the time. "When my sister got back from college and her boyfriend left, I Also the NTA comments saying OOP was justified in telling her sister that she should've aborted her down syndrome child are absolutely dumb. OP needs to learn some freaking compassion and care more about their own daughter instead of their niece. And here you wrote how you had a go at your sister how you dissaprove of her relationship, how she was wrong chosing this guy, and how you won't attend her wedding if they marry. The theme is where my sister is creating an issue. I know for a fact that I would resent her if I have to do this. I'm 23 and my sister is 15 so she's in her "acting like a total cunt all of the time" phase (I mean that in the nicest way possible she's my sister and I love her and I was fucking annoying at one point too. She threw a tantrum and said that surely my parents had manipulated my grandmother to make me leave nothing for her. She asked me what design I My sister, "Emily", is getting married soon. 43. I got a call later from my sister crying and screaming that I should have told her beforehand. Ok so I (f24) was on the phone with my sister (27) and we were talking about our Christmas gathering last year. My MIL is one of them. They brought up the fact that because she had cancer as a teenager, she never learned proper social etiquette, and has a hard time meeting people. I got angry, and I told her that she had no right to anything that my grandmother left because she was the one who cut off contact, not us. Growing up, our father was very hard on us. I caught my sister in bed with him on my birthday. Aita for telling my sister I'm not the mother of her children. I (24f) was with my ex fiancé N (27) since I was 13 and he was 15. I did ring him out of curiosity, more than anything. One of my (nearly 30) friends put together a get together at a restaurant for my birthday. Strangely had you just said “without makeup” it’d be a different thing. I babysat at her house for a couple weeks and the entire time the kids didn’t bathe once, they had no clean clothes, their hair was extremely matted As of today, my sister has 4 children and is currently pregnant with her 5th child, I on the other hand just got pregnant with my 1st child. Backstory my cousin (33f) who I’ll call mary lost her husband (32m) and two of her three children (3f) and (9months male) in a car accident last week. She told me that Diana was in fatal accident and didn't make it. I asked if I could wear white to her wedding then and she shrugged and said 'if you think it'll help'. My daughter can’t hold down a job, she quits or AITA for telling my sister that the music she listens to doesn't make her special. To start with this is about my dad (40s), my sister (14) and me (17m). She said he was wanting to talk to me. My sister and I were in the backseat of the car, we went around a curve, because my mom had not closed the door correctly, my 4 yo sister fell out of the car. Feb 2, 2024 · In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a man asked if he was wrong for telling his daughter she self-sabotaged by opting for community college. I want to keep my friend group to myself and not have to share with my sister since she can’t make her own friends. I think, deep down, I was still attached to the family who raised me, especially my sister. That 10 years of knowing her and 9ish years of her being his wife means she has been my mom whether I like it or not and I need to start showing her that I love and care about her. When she was little Casey used to talk a lot about how there were these mean girls in school. This made my mum cry and my dad apoplectic. 8 years ago my parents divorced and our mom ended up leaving us. AITA For Getting Married On My Sisters Anniversary r/redditonwiki • I [36F] declined to send my boyfriend [48M] nudes, so he accessed my personal email to see if he could find any in my sent messages to others My sister hated me for treating her mom that would and because she doesn't remember my mom, or remember the times when I wasn't always there, she always refused to believe that I do and she tells me her mom is my mom in all the ways that matter. She told my parents who then called me to their house, telling me how disappointed in me they are for not supporting my sister's relationship with Ben. She pulled the "I've had 4 kids, I know what I'm doing talk" and refused to see my POV and so, I didn't let her hold her again until she was 2 months old. Yeah, I'm not going. " My sister named my nephew Skylar. Which is why I brought this up last week when my sister had complained that Asha has not met the kids and blocked her after calling her husband My sister has told me that mom has told her she loves her but tolerates me. In my dad’s younger single days used to have a taste for married women. She moved out when she was 18 and ceased any contact with me, even going as far as rubbing it in my face how she never wanted to know me, by showing up for Christmas at grandparents A woman on Reddit was surprised when her sister introduced her new boyfriend, only to find out it was her cheating ex. She’s somewhat disabled, and while this may sound contradictory she has a condition which makes working difficult but not entirely impossible unless she is under stress (neurological condition, loses muscle control, makes her hit/throw stuff, fall over). She wants to take a good picture, but something just keeps it from happening. To start with I (26f) have never had a good relationship with my sister (32f). The plan was to get a bit tipsy and order appetizers. Sep 17, 2023 · September 16 at 7:00 AM ·. So, she told her sister “she knew what she was getting when she settled for ADMIN MOD. Lara was furious. He's a narcissist who views OP as a lost possession and wants her back. This might make me TA because she says I’m a judgmental asshole. Throwaway account and please don’t repost anywhere else. Kids with fucked up spellings of their names are miserable about 3/4 of the time. So I asked my SIL her work schedule first because she is an employee and my sister is her own boss. I told my sister she needs to make her own friends. Now, Emily and Chris have always gotten Hi. My daughter Then OP needs to put her foot down. aita for ruining my sister’s wedding. Like, she essentially told my sister "you'd be a crap mom, but I want bio grandkids, so pop one out for me and give it to your sister to raise" Asshole. I am engaged and my sister is going to marry in about a month. I shocked because my own sister did this to me, after that I moved on. Case never knew her dad which means my sister had sole custody of Case. She is now finally married to her wonderful wife. She should’ve asked you. Next time she stays and says there's a reservation: "Oh, hey, I hope you guys have a nice time. Mom wants you to be mature and also keep the peace. NTA but thats not a secret that should be kept from your mom especially since shes the one solely supporting your sister. My ex wasn’t there, as my kiddo came early and he was frantically trying to get on a flight from overseas. I'll tell you up front that you're right. My brother put a gun to my mom's head because she tried to stop him from doing something, I got in trouble for not telling her about his plans. She was 16 when they gave up and sent her to a camp, it was horrible for her. All of his children have been conceived with married women, including myself. Help keep the sub engaging! I told my sister who has nowhere else to go that if she doesn’t like the place she lives in, she should rather leave. Now that I'm going off to do a course in practical nursing to boost my resume She got in with the wrong crowd, ran away multiple times. It is true I said it was because I was upset she doesn't want me to go so I just said that and apologized. Me and Eva are fraternal twins. She told me it was crazy how I made it seem like my mom did more than hers or that I am closer to my Told my sister she knew what was going to happen when she named her late son after our grandfather. AITA for telling my daughter she sabotaged herself? Asshole POO Mode. My sister was there until I kicked her out because she was posting updates on her social media, which I made clear I didn’t want. I took my daughter back, told her she was never to hold my daughter like that again. I couldn’t care less what your sister “took hard. AITA for telling my SIL no cares that she’s pregnant. •. Elle MacGeorge. It’s weird to name your baby after your sister’s husband, doesn’t matter if he’s alive or dead. I babysit for my sister. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my little sister the truth about why I left at 18. When I was allowed to hang out at the mall in 8th grade my sister couldn’t since my parents didn’t trust her. . We have 2 sons who are 15 and 13, and a daughter who is now 18. When she met my fiancé, she was extremely rude. He wrote: "AITA for telling my daughter she sabotaged herself?" My ex-wife and I (51M) have 3 children together. I reluctantly agreed. My dad decided that now I need to give her what she wants. She chose the name she so badly wanted. She also told me after dad died mom pulled all the money from my college savings and put it into hers. I know one of this stories about finding a half sibling and then develop a good relation but almost nobody know about because after a few years (the meet when one was 16 and other 19) they just don't tell the story, they just speak about "my half sister / brother). ”. this secret will harm your mom and your mom needs to know so she can let your sister know if there will be consequences to getting pregnant while living at home and not having income to support said baby. She’s dissatisfied with her living conditions. Objective-Pen2383. Originally posted to r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC. So my parents asked me and I listed all the reason why I won’t. He didn't even recognize my voice. Advice: keep an eye on Tia since sister wants her dead for some reason. Of course you don’t own the name, but it looks super weird. Who is responsible for loss of income or the care All the trouble with a pregnancy which caused by hormones. ImportantHeron7650. Stepdad focused a lot of his time providing for us so I never got close to him but I am grateful for him. My ex-wife and I (51M) have 3 children together. It puts a dent in your relationship Who said it is only a one time thing for her sister. She grabed her purse to go anyway and I told her, that the moment she walks out that door I will call the police for child abandonment. Not one word about the PDA boundaries. She got uninvited from 4th if July by my mom bc she did it so much last year. We've been close our whole lives, until my recent breakup with my ex, "Chris". My (19F) sister (23F) recently got married to her partner of five years. The divorce was the trigger for a lot of my sister's mental health struggles which she was diagnosed with less than a year after the divorce. Aug 21, 2023 · “Your sister knew exactly what she was doing when she chose that name … Your sister has no right to call bullsh*t or to tell you how you should be feeling. My wife(25F) of 5 years has a sister(20F). Gypsy_Flesh. #reddit #voiceover #r/AmItheAsshole #subreddit Judging by how oblivious she is to the unrelenting pain she caused her husband, I do not think she understands that her marriage has been irrevocably shattered. Your parents are being weird. Help keep the sub In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA for telling my sister that she shouldn’t have divorced her husband. She would always talk down to me anytime I brought up my idea, and tell me how small and fragile I was, that I could end up getting really hurt. OP found out and decided to stay with her husband if Brittney agrees to give up the child. 167K subscribers in the AmITheAngel community. It’s your turn to act as the protector for your dying sister, she can let go of the anger. She told me they talk about that stuff. She then apologised if I felt her outfit was inappropriate. 3) make it clear that your partner isn’t going anywhere and that growing up means them accepting that you’re able decide if someone is in your life or not. My ex and I tried to have C pay for the hospital bills, but my sister refused to take the money. We hung out together, played the same sports, did church summer camp, etc. My sister has never owned a dog (or even any pet) outside of our family dog growing up (who is no longer living). NTA—Tia will wag her tail and want pets from your sister because dogs are far kinder to people than people deserve. I'm getting tired of someone who isn't my husband continuously trying to fuck me. Same! My mom was my rock, and the only person I knew would insist on following my birth plan. Whenever I was at their house, they were either dancing or having the time of their lives. My sister also lies to mom and claims I did stuff when she feels like I On Monday, I told my sister that she needs to move out before the baby comes (im due in December). I (40m) was on the phone with my sister (35f), im childfree by choice she had two daughters (12f and 4f). just Jan 19, 2024 · "AITA for telling my sister if she can’t handle seeing our parents at my wedding she shouldn’t show up?" My sister (29) was a nightmare growing up. AITA for telling my sister that she knew what she was getting when she settled for my cast-off ex? Most relevant. She lives at my place that isn’t baby proofed and I asked her to do a bunch of chores around the place. I've talked to my daughter, and she simply says she thinks he's dumb and arrogant. Ex is only dating sister to gain contact to OP. My sister has an 18 year old daughter Casey. 16 votes, 10 comments. And then the sister pressing it with slagging off my taste in music cos she doesn't get a card. We’ve decided to host a small, early Christmas dinner. My sister was sort of embarrassed when I said this, and her face turned red. They looked so genuinely happy together. It was terrifying, and since she was immuno-compromised she did catch C19. Your sister sounds clinically depressed, being told that she's a loser who needs to move on from high school will do nothing but make that problem worse. Your sister knew dating James was to make waves in the family but did it anyway. I'm an 18-year-old female, and I have an older sister, 29, who has two children, ages 8 and 4. I (f28) have been with my boyfriend (m32, Ian) for 3 years. I knew it would be earth shattering in a lot of ways, but because she was so insistent, I decided to be honest with her anyway. AITA for telling my sister's ex that my sister is neglecting their kids. I asked if I could invite my friends, and she said no, that this was for her friends, and that if my friends wanted to throw me a shower they could. He was my first love, my first everything. AITA for telling my friend not to come if she’s bringing her kid? Not the A-hole. bu ne po ju lv bj ur cg ay po