Ten test tube mystery chegg

Ten test tube mystery chegg. But the the two on the left one contains 3 M ammonia an ystery. Each test tube will contain one of the following: HCl NH3 Ca(NO3)2 AlNO3 BaCl2 AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 NaOH H2SO4 Ni(NO3)2 X NR NR P Experiment 40 Advance Study Assignment: The Ten Test Tube Mystery i. Question: 2 The procedure used to test the reaction between your mystery hydrocarbon and bromine involves the production of two liquid layers in the test tube. Take water from the Materials shelf and add 9 mL to test tubes 2 – 7. SnCl25. Construct a schematic plan to identify your set of ten solutions. Experiment cellular respiration 1. Science; Chemistry; Chemistry questions and answers; nine test tube mystery :36 metathesis reactions need to write a metathesis reaction for the nine test tube Experiment #40-Ten Test Tube Mystery Reaction Matrix . and the solutions are 1: ammonium chloride, NH4Cl 2:barium chloride, BaCl2 3:copper sulfate, CuSO4 4:salt hydrochloric acid, HCl 5:potassium iodide, KI 6:silver nitrate, AgNO3 7:salt sodium bromide, NaBr 8:sodium hydroxide, NaOH 9:sodium sulfide, Na2S 10 For lab you will be given a set of 10 test tubes, each of which contains one of the following solutions: 6 M HCl 3 M H2SO4 6 M NaOH 6 MNH, 0. 9 No. 1 M Pb(NO) For lab you will be given a set of 10 test tubes, each of which contains one of Question: Ten Test Tube Mystery Advanced Study Assignment 0. 1 M Na,CO, 0. Mean: b. 1 M Pb(NO,J 3 M 6 M 6MHCİ 3 M H,SO 6 M NaOH 6 MNH, 0. 7 No. NaCl3. 1 M Pb(NO3)2 Your job will be to determine which of the 10 solutions is in each test tube. First we had to create a reaction table. 2. 4. 1 M Ba(NO,) 0. Show a sample dilution calculation for each reactant below. You are provided with a stock solution of protein of concentration 20 mg/ml, distilled water and 10 test tubes that can each hold 20 ml. Please: 1) Fill-in the Pre-lab grid 2) Identify test tubes 1 - 9. 7. What are TRUE regarding the nature of sodium hydroxide, and the safety precautions See Answer. Describe the type of control. 1 M Zn(NO,) 0. You are to produce a solution that contains less than 100 cells/mL. 1 M Pb (NO3)2 3 M H2SO4 ground Information General Chemistry II : Nine Test Tube Mystery one of the solutions listed below is found in Chemistry. Label test tubes A, B, and C. 0 mol/L hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq), in a total volume of 15 mL. Assume that you have access to standard laboratory glassware and that the 9. Test tube #2 is another type of control. 0 M as you can make out "0. 10 mol/L HCl (aq). For each test, place two drops of each solution into one of the well plates and record your Science. BaCl 2. Question: o Label 10 tubes with the patient’s name and the numbers 1-10. 2 Label four test tubes 1-4, and add 10 drops of the mystery sample into each. • Obtain 2 clean, dry 10 mL test tubes and label them A and B. M0. Question: Ten test tube mystery We will be given ten unlabeled test tubes. Part a: 3M sulphuric acid To identify sulphuric acid, we add it onto some sugar. Each of four test tubes contains a different concentration of HCl (aq) at 25°C. WASTE • All solutions should be poured in the aqueous waste container. 929 33. Label two test tubes as “45 °C”, two as “35 °C”, two as “25 °C”, two as “15 °C”, and two as “5 °C”. Chemistry questions and answers. I=NaOH. Step 1: The ten solutions were placed in ten test tubes labelled 1-10. Margin of error: e. If 27 such tubes are tested; i. General Chemistry Lab #12: Nine Test Tube Purpose e purpose of this lab is to determine which one of the solutio es given to you by mixing them only. The purpose of this lab is to determine which one of the solutions listed below is found in each of the nine test tubes given to you by mixing them only. TASK 1. The solutions are as Knowing the identity of Name: Section: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Report Sheet Final Identifications: No. To each add 6M NaOH drop by drop, and note the result after each addition until an excess of the reagent is present. 12. 0 °C. Schematic Plan : In this experiment, you need to apply what you have learned from unknown qualitative analysis. So our goal was to find the other 7 through a series of tests. Does AgNO3 and NH4Cl react to form a precipitate? If so describe this solid or aqueous precipitate and its color. Experimental Design Test tubes containing 10 mL each of copper(II) chloride solution, CuCl2(aq), were combined with 1. 1 M Ba(NO) 0. 13. So, we were given 10 different solutions. 01 M HCl (aq) 3. These are the solutions being tested: The table below shows the following reactions: ppt- precipitate. 4 x 10^7 cells/mL. You are given a test tube containing 10 mL of a solution with 8. until an excess of the The reactants in the this …. 10MNaCl solution, pH3 buffer, and pH10 buffer respectively. Predict the color of the remaining 1 mL Jun 19, 2011 · Experiment 40, Ten Test Tube Mystery. Put test tube C in a beaker of boiling water for 5 minutes. 1. A 1-gram cube of Zn is added to each test tube. The other six are 0. A second drop of NaOH (aq) is added to Construct the reaction matrix for your set of ten solutions. Using your semi-micro test tubes, obtain 1–2 mL of each of the solutions A–J (~½ full). PART A Identifying a mystery liquid by Density Determination mystery liquid Identification code: Reference Procedure Value Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Step 2 Mass: flask 27-739 28889 49-199 Step 3. Na 2 CO 3. For tube 6 (Vol of Fe3+) (c …. 00" at the beginning of the label . Question: We have a sample of 15 test-tubes tested for the number of times they can be heated on a Bunsen burner before they crack. TEN TEST UBE MYSTERY • Report data collected and subsequent calculations to www. You have a solution of Pb (NO3)2 that has a worn label making it impossible to read. Develope a scheme of how to identify the eleven solutions. o Into tube 1, pipette 0. The Nine Solution provided are: HCL. 290 Test tube 7 0. Your solution’s ready to go! Our expert help has broken down your problem into an easy-to-learn solution you can count on. 1658) ii. Record which macromolecule is present in Data Table 2 . 4x107 = 898. H2SO42. What is the probability that at least 2 will shatter? (0. 1 M . Solved Ten Test Tube Mystery We Will Be Given Ten Unlabeled. Set up an 11/11 matrix showing what happens when any two of the eleven solutions are mixed. These 4 test tubes are left over from the Test Tube Mystery. 0 mL hydrochloric acid and 9. Chemistry. Answer to Solved Experiment Week #14-Pre-Lab Assig Name Lab Lab t Lab | Chegg. Take 0. I have calculated an equilibrium constant for each tube. You will have a quiz on this on LMS to do once this is completed Vocabulary: Biuret solution, iodine solution, litmus paper, vinegar Placsta Appearance Gizmo Warm-up The Mystery Powder Analysis Gizmo allows you to use a variety of tests to identify unknown substances. Equally distribute to three test tubes. 11. In a chemistry lab, there are currently 20 test tubes available (5 of which are slightly damaged) and 15 beakers available (3 of them being slightly damaged). You may not use itmus paper or pH paper or any other reagents. Pb(NO 3) 2. Lower limit: f. 8 ml 5-8ml 93m stery liquid Step 4 mass: flask + 29. Question: Lab 11 Date DATA SHEET Data and Observations Mystery carbohydrate sample # Part A: Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Benedict's Test Results Reducing Sugar? Test Observations Tube Sample Prediction 1 Distilled water 2 Glucose 3 Fructose 4 Sucrose 5 Lactose 6 Starch 7 sample Part B: Barfoed's Test for Monosaccharides uach 5. We have to do something called the chem 21. Also indicate if soluble or not soluble. 1 M Na CO 0. a. Ver. Note: Water does not contain protein. B=Na2s. Write a set of instructions to prepare the range of protein concentrations listed in the table below as accurately as possible. . You will be provided, one week in advance, with a list that contains information including the chemical formula and Question: Nine Test Tube Mystery Grid. o Mix the contents of tube 1 and transfer 0. Label test tubes | Chegg. 1M 0. We need to be able to identify each solution by how they I think the tubes are: 1) HCl 2) H2SO4 3) BaCl2 4) Pb(NO3)2 5) Al(NO3)3 6) Na2CO3 7) NaOH 8) NH3 9) CuSO4 Determined NH3 by smell and CuSO4 by color, and just wanted to know if I was right. com. Pipette five drops of Biuret solution to each test tube. Take water from the Materials shelf and add 5 mL to test tube 1. Pipette 5 mL of the "Unknown Solution" into Test Tube 5. 5 mL into tube 2. Question: Four test tubes each contain 10. 25 points) OBSERVATION: The test tube below contains the results of a Benedicts Test on 2. Question: General Chemistry Lab #12: Nine Test Tube Purpose e purpose of this lab is to determine which one of the solutio es given to you by mixing them only. They have been sitting next to each other for one week. On the Observations Grid for Unknown B, the chart Answer to Name Section Experiment 40 Advance Study Assignment: | Chegg. nr- no reaction. The twelve solutions that will be provided are: HCl Cu (NO3)2 NiCl2 H2SO4 Ba (NO3)2 FeCl3 NH4OH AgNO3 K2CrO4 NaOH Pb (NO3)2 Na2CO3 I am not allowed any litmus paper or any additional chemicals. You will be provided with ten numbered test tubes in each of which there will be a solution of a single substance. There are 3 steps to solve this one. Question: PROCEDURE Preparation of Test Tubes Obtain a test tube rack and 10 test tubes. Dispose of the solutions or solids in the appropriate waste beaker, rinse the test tube and repeat step 4 for the other solids. Pipette 5 mL of the 1% glucose solution into Test Tube 3. 0 mL of 0. 4 x 107 cells/mL , 8. To start, drag the Baking soda test tube into the "Place tube here area, 1. A test tube which contains one or more bacterium is said to be contaminated. o Mix the contents of tube 3 Physics questions and answers. Add 20 mL of each of the following solutions into the 4 beakers: H2O,0. 10. In order to determine the concentration, you decide to 7. In order to fully equip the lab, the school orders 12 sets of beakers and 8 packs of test tubes. 5 mL saline. 1 M 0. Absorbance of Equilibrium (FeSCN2+] Solution Absorbance measurements at 450 nm Absorbance at 450 nm Test tube 6 0. 5 mL patient serum. A=Kl. 1 M Pb(NO,) For lab you will be given a set of 10 test tubes, each of which contains one of the following solutions: 6 M HCI з м н. I have the infamous "Test Tube Mystery" lab practical coming up next week. 1 M Ba(NO), Pb(NO), 6 M HCI 3M H,SO 6M NaOH 6 MNH 0. o Into every tube, pipette 0. Here’s the best way to solve it. I was just wondering how to be able to determine which equilibrium constant will be the most reliable? Step 1. Each test tube also contains a different indicator as listed below: Test Tube Indicator 1 indigo carmine 2 thymol blue 3 methyl red 4 methyl orange One drop of 0. However, we have to explain why and write the 5. Nine Test Tube Mystery. Obtain four 100−mL beakers. Procedure You will identify the substances in each tube solely on how they react with each other. Label two test tubes as “45 °C”, two as “35 °C”, two as “25 °C”, two as “15 Describe the type of control Explain what type of control this is by testing the distilled water in test tube #1 3. To determine the contents of Unknown 3, click on the test tube or tubes that shows a positive test. (a) Write a prediction Calculate the concentrations of Fe3+ and SCN- (after mixing) for tubes 6-10 of the experiment. methyl-2-propanol. 0 mL of water to each of the 10 test tubes. Begin mixing the substances together in an organized fashion and carefully recording your observations on the data/observation grid" sheet. 1 M0. Click on the solution name for the protein test. o Mix the contents of tube 2 and transfer 0. What dilutions must you perform in order to arrive at the Question: Data and observations. What is the best strategy for this? In our chem lab. The online store shows a pack of 10 test tubes costs $4 less than a set of nested beakers. 0 mL Hydrochloric acid - Test Tube #2 was 1. 1 M Cuso 0. If both drugs degrade by first-order, which drug will retain the highest percentage of initial concentration? (a) Drug A (b) Drug B (c) They will be the same. F=BaCl2. I was able to do all the metathesis reactions, but I'm struggling with the prediction grid part of this lab: 2. Question: Does AgNO3 and NH4Cl react to form a precipitate? If so describe this solid or aqueous precipitate and its color. 1. 1 M Cuso, 0. 1 M CuSO 0. In some cases, nothing happens. 1 M Ba(NO), Pb(NO) 6 M HCI 3 M H. 1 M HCl (aq) 2. This matrix can be made using information in your chemistry text or in Appendix II or, if your instructor allows it, you can go into the lab prior to the scheduled session and work with known solutions to obtain the needed information. xxx" at the beginning of the label. Question: Nine Test Tube Mystery- There are 9 substances that can be mixed with each other, allowing for a total of 36 reactions. chem21labs. Pre-Lab 6 Ten Test Tube Mystery (CHE 111) Get a hint. We are not allowed any litmus paper or chemical reagents. Place 10 - 20 Answer to Solved 9 test tube mysterytube#1 CuSO4 tube#2 HCl tube#3 | Chegg. z. Once you know the expected products from each reaction, fill in the pre-lab prediction grid sheet to show what you expect to observe for each combination of reactants: cloudiness, bubbles, evolution of heat, or no reaction (NR). I would like somebody to solve this so I can see where I keep going wrong. Of those 10, 3 were identifiable by either color or smell. You observe gas bubbles. Fe(NO3)37. 1 M Zn(NO3)2 0. 3 that was treated with 2 drops of bromocresol green indicator. We are tying to identify each solution. Thus, it can serve as a negative control for this experiment. This should go on the reverse side of this page This matrix can be made using information in your chemistry text or in Appendix II or, if your instructor allows it, you can go into the lab prior to the scheduled session and work with known solutions to obtain the Question: Ten Test Tube Mystery Advanced Study Assignment 6 M HCI 3M H SO 6M NaOH 6 MNH 0. Choose manner. Choose This helps ensure that the temperature of the sample increases in a. • Add 5 mL of water (H20) to the test tube labeled A and swirl to dissolve all of the barium nitrate. There are 14 different tubes. D=HCl. SO 6 M NaOH 6 MNH 0. E=AgNo3. Volume:ny - 2. This weeks topic was about solving ten test tube mystery and basically we were using a plate to mix it by one chemical to one chemical. H 2 SO 4. The test tube was accidently left out on the workbench during a long weekend and the solution evaporated down to a volume of 1ml. Once you know the expected products from each reaction, fill in the pre-lab prediction grid sheet to. SAFETY Chemistry. Test 1: Sodium lodide in Acetone Label eight test tubes and add 2 drops of each alkyl halides to each tube. Place one of the droppers in each test tube so that you have a dropper to use for each solution. All test tubes were stoppered, shaken, and allowed to reach equilibrium. For each test, place two drops of each solution into one of the well plates and record your A student prepared a test tube that contained 10ml of an unbuffered, non-volatile acid solution at pH 4. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Andre's school orders some new supplies for the chemistry lab. Using a burette, add exactly 5. Label two test tubes as “45 °C”, two as “35 °C”, two as “25 °C”, two as “15 Using a burette, add exactly 5. 0, and 5. The probability that a certain type of vacuum tube will shatter during a thermal shock test is 0. com Nine Test Tube Mystery: 36 Metathesis Reactions. Sodium hydroxide is a substance that causes severe burns. C=NH4Cl. 3. SS2018 Nine Test Tube Mystery Page Question: Part D Determining the lon Components in a Mystery Sam 1 Record the identification code of your mystery solution on the data sheet, page 86. b) Repeat (a) but use 6 M NH4OH. I know that Cu will be blue, NH 3 will smell. This is a version of the Nine Test Tube Mystery that I did not do so well on. (5. In one trial of your experiment, you pick one test tube and one beaker at random; after the experiment, you throw away the test tube, but you wash the beaker and put it back Question: ) Place in separate test tubes 10 drops of each of the ions of groups II and III. The nine possible solut 6M HCI 6 M NH3 6 M NaOH 0. Now consider. Add 10 drops of one substance to a clean small test tube and then add 10 drops of the second substance. The two on the right con been sitting there for an hour or so. This experiment was harder to set up for than it was to actually do. Pour 10 ml of fresh yeast into each test tube (fresh yeast 10% + glucose 1%). The test tube and the carbon tetrachloride are cooled to a temperature of −13. You need to label the test tubes, using the following labels: silver nitrate, AgNO,; nitric acid, HNOs; and sodium carbonate, Na2CO3. But they create a new mystery. Rapidly add 1 mL of an 18% solution of sodium iodide in acetone, stopper each tube, mix the contents thoroughly, and note the time. Carry out this step only with substances that are soluble in water. NaOH. 4, 2. 0 mL of de-ionized water, we repeated this for the next 3 test tubes. Pipette 5 mL of the Unknown Solution into Test Tube 5. Construct 99% confidence interval for the mean. Add a few drops of the organic compound to each test tube and observe any color changes. 001 M HCl (aq) 4. This gave a mean = 1,230, and standard deviation of 270. so, 6 M Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. 1 M Pb(NO3)2 For lab you will be given a set of 10 test tubes, each of which contains one Ten Test Tube Mystery Advanced Study Assignment 6 M HCI 3M H. State the relative solubility of the substances in Table 1. 360 Test tube 10 0. Of been sitting contains 3 M ammonia and the other 3 M HCI. NH36. 1 M Na. He 110 mL 0. 260 Test tube 8 0. Question: Andre's school orders some new supplies for the chemistry lab. Into each test tube was placed 2 mL of the following solutions: Test tube 1: distilled water Test tube 2: 33 mM NaCl Test tube 3: 100 mM NaCl Test tube 4: 150 mM NaCl Test tube 5: 333 mM NaCl Test tube 6: 833 mM NaCl Test tube 7: 300. You perform the following qualitative tests: Part of test tube 1 is added to test tube 2. 100 M sodium hydroxide from the Materials shelf and add 5 mL to test tube 1. 05 g of barium nitrate (Ba (NO3)2) and transfer it to the test tube labeled A. The color and smell may give important clues about the identity of a substance. Pour 1 mL from 1 into 2. 1 M Na Co, 0. 54 × 10−4 m3 of liquid carbon tetrachloride at a temperature of 75. 1 M AgNO, 0. 1 M AgNO 0. 300 (7pts) Calculations for Test Tubes 1-5 Preparation of test Tubes 1-5 mL of 1 x 10-4 M Fe (NO3)3 mL of 1 M Basic. Question: Ten Test Tube Mystery These are the solutions being tested: The table below shows the following reactions: Ten Test Tube Mystery. A test tube contains 2. Find the mean and standard deviation. G=H2SO4. In which test tube is the reaction occurring at the fastest rate? 1 M HCl (aq) 1. 410 Test tube 9 0. 4 No. Record the initial color of each sample in Table 1. Explain what type of control this is by testing the starch solution in test tube #2. • The well plate should be rinsed twice into the aqueous waste container with distilled water. What is the probability that exactly 4 will shatter ? (0. Find the volume of carbon tetrachloride in the test tube at −13. 1 M Na, CO, 0. My class did a Test Tube Mystery. Add 10 drops of methylene blue (0. We discovered that . This often happens when two solutions with similar cations are mixed. This experiement isuseful where the standard qualitive anaylsis scheme is notused. NH 3. Cu (NO3)2, Ni (NOsh, and SnCla To determine which solution is in each bottle, you will need to know what happens when the various solutions are mixed. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 5 mL of water into Test Tube 4. Empty the test tubes and Question: Ten (10) ml aqueous solutions of drug A (10% w/v) and drug B (25% w/v) are stored in two identical test tubes under identical storage conditions at 37°C for 3 months. \table [ [,alkane,alkene,aromatic], [Observations I have completed an experiment using 10 test tubes. In which layer should you judge the color? Explain why this is the correct layer to observe? There are 2 steps to solve this one. In the Prelab Prediction Grid (empty one), show what you expect to observe for each combination of reactants, ex: cloudy, bubbles, heat, color change, or no reaction. You are presented with a mystery as part of your practical experiment. J=CuSO4. 5. 4 Add 5 drops of ammonium How do you prepare (calculate and describe) ten test tubes each containing 10 ml of motility medium How do you prepare (calculate) 200 ml of brilliant green lactose bile broth from its individual constituents Mystery of the eleven test tubes. 2 No. In this practical exp You are presented with a mystery as part of your practical experiment. cloudiness) describe. Please complete the following 36 reactions, showing complete balanced equations following the guidelines that are given in 1 a-e. 1 No. Co 0. Using the test tube contents and absolutely nothing else, we must See Answer. - Test Tube #1 was 9. 078) In the experiment, the test tube containing the sample will be heated. potassium permanganate test - Combine about 10mL of methanol with a few granules of KMnO4 in an Erlenmeyer flask and dissolve. what is solution A-J from the two tables show above? Question: Name Station Date CHM 112 The Ten Test Tube Mystery Prelab Exercises 1. It is used in many educational laboratory activities but because of its hazardous nature, care must be taken to ensure its safe use in the lab. The tesutube below contains the results of a Benedicus Test on 2 Question 24 (0. 0, 2. 5%) into each of test tubes. Possible abreviations include NR for no apparent reaction, ppt for formation of a precipitate, heat, gas, and color. 1 M Hydrochloric acid and transferred it into 5 test tubes. 1 M solutions of: Al (NO3), AgNO3, Ca (NO3). Question: Nine Test Tube Mystery: 36 Metathesis Reactions. Line the tubes up in sequence in a test tube rack. O No Yes 2-methyl-2-propanol Question 24 10. Question: You are given a test tube containing 10 mL of a solution with 8. 10 mL 0. Avoid wrong matches, they add extra time! Biology questions and answers. It may be noted that the total volume after mixing in each test tube is 7 mL. Mystery of the 14 test tubes. 1 M Ba(NO3)2 0. 1 M Pb(NO3)2 3 M H2SO4 ground Information General Chemistry II : Nine Test Tube Mystery one of the solutions listed below is Match all the terms with their definitions as fast as you can. I have the Nine Test Tube Mystery. 10 mL. The colour at equilibrium was observed and recorded. 8 cells/mL To get a solution less than 100 cells /mL, 1mL is transferred to 9 Ml of distilled wate …. • All equipment should be returned to the correct location after use. Click on the word or words for the contents of unknown 2 . 6. 552018 Nine Test Tube Mystery Page 1 acid base if reaction feels warm HCL Warmer than NAOH BEFORE COMING TO LAB: You must write the 36 Question: Ten test tubes are prepared, each containing 10cc of river water within which bacteria are randomly and uniformly distributed at the average rate of one per twenty cc. In this experiment, Choose different temperatures should be recorded for each set of trials. 3 No. Computer 144 Equipment 10 test tubes, 13 x 100 mm test tube holder test tube rack or racks corks to fit test tubes 400 ml beaker for rinsing stirring rods 250 ml beaker for hot water bath centrifuge plastic Beral pipets, graduated several stirring rods ring stand, ring, wire gauze, burner or hot plate spatula pH paper or Vernier pH Sensor capillary pipet PRE-LAB EXERCISE 1. 110 mL 0. peints OBSERVATION. ) Place in separate test tubes 10 drops of each of the ions of groups II and III. • Weigh approximately 0. 10mL of solution contains 8. com Stopper the test tube and flick the tube to mix the solvent and solute. Confidence interval z-value: d. KNO34. th shock un Tube #8 ho Visby Ross Tube #9 Ver. You will have a quiz on this on LMS to do once this is completed Vocabulary: Biuret solution, Iodine solution, litmus paper, vinegar AR B Gizmo Warm-up The Mystery Powder Analysis Gizmo allows you to use a variety of tests to identity unknown substances. This should go on the reverse side of this page. In order to determine the concentration, you For each test tube, calculate the concentration of NaOH, OH -, H 3 O, and pH. 1 M Zn(NO) 0. Create your own report/data sheet for recording data for your unknown analysis experiment. Mark the level of the water on each test tube with a marker or grease pencil. S No. Be careful not to mix up the droppers in the solutions. 5 mL into tube 3. Test tubes 3b, 4b, and 5b represent experimental variables. g. 10 mol/L NaOH (aq) is added to each test tube, and the colour is noted. Procedure B. 10 Use the next few pages to write balanced MOLECULAR, IONIC, and NET-IONIC equations for TEN of the reactions that occurred during this laboratory experiment. H=NaBr. 4 x 107 cells/mL. co, Zn(NO), 0. SO, 6 M NaOH 6 MNH, 0. CuSO 4. To identify the contents of 14 different test tubes using afew simple tests and thir mutual reactivities. Construct the reaction matrix for your set of ten solutions. Our expert help has broken down your problem into an easy-to-learn solution you can count on. To start, drag the Baking soda test tube into the "Place tube here" area. Chegg For Good; College Marketing; Investor Relations; Jobs; Join Our Affiliate Program; Media Center; Site Answer to Solved Experiment 7 The Mystery of the Thirteen Test Tubes | Chegg. Using the test tube contents and absolutely nothing else, we must identify the contents of each test tube. com See Answer. Three colorless solutions in test tubes are in a test tube rack. I need help coming up with a procedure for how to identify the following 10 solutions in a "ten test tube mystery lab" using only these 10 solutions and water. Show transcribed image text Here’s the best way to solve it. Al(NO 3) 3. This was an Acid-Base Chemistry - Blueberry Indicator experiment where we used 10. You know the concentration is below 1. If not, could I get an explanation for the wrong ones. You now have an aqueous solution of Question: Data for Test Tubes 6-10 Data Table 2. The alkyl halides above are tested in the following experiments with detailed procedures. 1 M CuSO4 0. Standard error: c. 399 56499 mystery liquid Step 5 Mass: Mystery See Answer. 0 °C, which is above the freezing point of carbon tetrachloride. 8 No. Please fill out boxes below the line. show what you expect to observe for each combination of reactants: cloudiness, bubbles, evolution. 981) iii. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 5 mL of room-temperature water into Test Tube 4. Use Test Tube 1 to perform a flame test, and record your observation on the data sheet. Take the 10 test tubes, labeled pH 1 - 12 (referencing the color of the solution at various pH 's) or use the color codes given in the Figure 1. 6 No. Please complete the following table, following the guidelines that 1 a-e and 2 (especially to the descriptive words used in 2, e. Click on the solution name for the reducing sugar test. Attach additional sheets as needed for your schematic plan. 2. vf sr hh ls av qb ae ke tq jy

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